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Caritas Freetown which amongst its many responsibilities has been providing relieve for sick children through their relentless campaigns in both the formal and informal sectors, has been eagerly calling on government to set aside a proactive institution responsible for the provision of funds for sick babies across the country.
A recent case for the organization, Jeremiah Koroma, a 3 year old boy with an acute medical condition of a missing anus, whereupon doctors at the Emergency Hospital did a surgery very close to his pelvic to help with excretion, but this poor boy is said to be bleeding on a daily basis. Based on such an acute emergency case, Jeremiah and his mother together with a medical nurse showed up at Caritas Freetown Office and to the desk of the lead campaigner for children emergency health needs, Ishmeal Alfred Charles.
Ishmeal Alfred Charles who is now a renowned figure in the fight of saving the lives of Sierra Leonean sick children, has made it clear that as an organization they are doing their very best, but getting funds has been a very big challenge.
“My bones are weak, I am borne out, people are not donating, my appeals are falling on deaf ears, very few people are willing to help,” Charles stated in one of his social media campaigns.
It would please you to know that Caritas Freetown through their advocacy in saving the lives of children have scored excellently, but yet still it is far from over and it appears now that on a daily basis the sick are knocking at their door, and in addition to Jeremiah Koroma, Charles has earlier on outlined that currently there are 4 children who are in critical health state and needs urgent support.
Jeremiah Koroma is a 3 years old who does not have anus, lower abdomen was opened up so that he can pass feaces through that opening, but the colostomy is painful and the boy bleeds 24/7. The Max Super Speciality Hospital in India has provided a quote of 10,500 USD to do this surgery and give him an anus to enable him live like a normal child.
In his analysis, Ishmeal Alfred Charles who also doubles as the Programs Manager for Caritas Freetown enlightened that they have a case of a 2 year old boy, Badamasie Samura who is suffering from Wilms Tumor with both kidneys affected.
Charles went further to say that they also have on their desk the case of a 16 year girl, Aminata Marah suffering from left Orbit Tumor with a swollen face which is pretty scary.
He continued to outline that, It is overwhelming and therefore the need to have people of love to come together.
Expanding further, he mentioned that they also have a case of a 13 year boy, Mustapha Jawad Tunis who is suffering from Spina Bafidia which is a birth defect with a condition of partial closing of the backbone and membranes around the spinal cord.
Because getting fund is a big challenge, Caritas Freetown continues to plead with the government and the general public to please help out and for the government in particular to set up a special fund for sick children.
“Nothing is too small, please donate so that we can save lives,” Charles pleaded.

If you have been following this medium, you may well recalled that about 3 weeks ago, David Tamba Sessie, father to baby Marian left the shores of Sierra Leone to India in order to replace Adama Jalloh (mother to baby Marian), who had earlier on failed a medical examination in the way for a transplant of a portion of her liver needed in the operation of baby Marian's biliary artesia- a disease affecting the liver.
In that line, talking to this medium via WhatsApp on late Friday 14 December 2018, the Programs Manager and Lead Campaigner for children emergency health needs, Ishmeal Alfred Charles, yet again disclosed to this trusted medium that David Tamba Sessie has also failed medical checkup for baby Marian's liver transplant.
Expressing further, he said that David Tamba Sessie's total elimination from the liver transplant came about after a CT Scan test that was done 4 times on him, of which results were not satisfactory for a liver transplant.
On that note, Charles went further to say that, the doctors in India and with a mutual consent with baby Marian's family members and Caritas Freetown Sierra Leone organization as a whole, have agreed that David's abdomen be cut open and the liver examined in a process known as, "Liver Biopsy," upon which it was discovered that the left part of the liver, which is needed for the transplant, is damaged due to Schistosoma- which are parasitic flatworms that normally emanate from the consumption of snails or dwelling in communities prone to dirty water.
Before the discovery of the Schistosoma virus, Charles went further to outline that 4 preliminary tests were done on David Tamba Sessie coupled with the ones earlier on done in Sierra Leone before his departure to India.
"Each of these tests done in India cost $500, and therefore, the doctors advised that instead of we keep on spending money that is not yielding success, we should endeavor to look for another donor in place of baby Marian's father," Charles elaborated.
Based on such, Charles said that, Amadu Sessie- brother to David Tamba Sessie, agreed to step into the shoe of his brother.
Due to such welcoming news, Charles went further to add that, preliminary tests were done in Sierra Leone as advised by the doctors in India, whereby, it was discovered that Amadu Sessie has Hepatitis in his blood which automatically disqualified him for the liver donation.
Interestingly, Charles mentioned that Jaka Kakkay, a good neighbor to Adama Jalloh (baby Marian's mother), has agreed to donate a portion of her liver needed for baby Marian's liver transplant.
"After preliminary tests done on Jaka, it has partially pleased the doctors in India, but however, the doctors warned that more tests need to be done," Charles enlightened.
Moreover, Charles appealed for more funds and prayers in order to ensure that all is well for the babies and their parents.
©Education Microscope Newspaper

Humanitarian activist and Programme Manager at Caritas, Ishmael Alfred Charles, has said in New Delhi, India, that Baby Mustapha Augustus Roberts and his mother Christpine Roberts are responding to treatment after a successful liver transplant.
Giving an update on Baby Mustapha’s health, Charles opined that at this time, social support and network is very crucial and that the recovery of baby Mustapha and mother will be contingent on social support, financial contributions and unending prayers from everyone.
“The jaundice eyes of baby Mustapha is gone and he is smiling and this is why we all did what we had to do to bring those infectious smiles back , but he is still at the liver and billary transplant ICU and his mother is also doing pretty well,” Charles stated.
He said the head doctor of the surgery, Professor Dr. Surbash Gupta, who is chief liver transplant and chairman of the Max Centre Liver and Billary Sciences Hospital Saket, told him he was grateful to God for the progress made so far on baby Mustapha and mother.
‘’This is a worthy adventure the country took in helping Baby Mustapha and his mother and I am therefore calling for more financial supports and prayers from everyone around the world,” he said.
In December 2017, Baby Mustapha Roberts was suffering with a disease called Baliaray Atrisia and since then the First Lady of Sierra Leone Madam Fatima Bio, together with well-wishers, humanitarian activist Ishmael Alfred Charles and Precious Amabel Lebbie, through her Facebook page led a campaign, calling on well-wishers through social media to help the sick baby