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Baby Abu Bakarr Barrie departs for Rome


Baby Abu Bakarr Barrie departs for Rome via Abidjan today 19th June 2019

It could be recalled that Abubakarr Barrie, an 8 months old baby was brought to the Sick Pikin Project, as he who was born without an anus and had to undergo colostomy for a stoma to be created as a temporary means of excretion.

Abubakar was born at Koromasilayah Village, Fakunia Dembelia Chiefdom in Falaba District.

After his story was shared on the 15th May 2019, the Minister of Works and Public Asset, Peter Bayuku Konteh, reached out to the Sick Pikin Project and expressed interest on his matter. The team took advantage of the opportunity and engaged the Minister, as he explained to the team led by Ishmeal Alfred Charles that he wanted to help, after sharing the information with his friends, for them to collectively approach a hospital they knew that might help.

True to their promise, the Minister and his friends followed through with the investigation and it positively materialised as Hospital Bambino Gesu In Rome agreed to do the surgery free of charge for Abubakarr. In addition, they were again successful in getting Africa Mica Association volunteering to help cover the cost of the trip from Freetown to Abidjan and other incidental related costs when the patient and his mother are in Rome. The Italian Consulate in Freetown volunteered to help us review and get every document verified while the Italian embassy in Abidjan assured the team that Visas would be granted to Abubakarr and his mother without hassle as long as we, the Sick Pikin Project Team ensured that we had in place, all of the correct documents as enlisted.

The Sick Pikin Project Team under Caritas Freetown raced to get each and every document needed for Abubakarr's support to materialise. The Team finally got it all completed and then approached Brussels Airlines to seek their support for a ticket donation. The kindness of the Sierra Leone branch Manager, Estella Van Eeckhout was truly amazing at a Meeting held with her to present their case for the ticket donation. After the meeting she promised to forward the appeal to the Bee Foundation which is the Charity arm of Brussels Airlines and later revert.

She did revert and thankfully Brussels Airlines offered both Baby Abubakarr and his mother, Doris, free tickets from Abidjan to Rome and back, while Minister Peter Bayaku Konteh covered the cost from Freetown to Abidjan.

Baby Abubakarr is estimated to stay in Rome for 3 months hopefully. It is estimated that he will be admitted on the 28th June 2019 and the surgery will be performed on the 4th July 2019.

Their accommodation in Rome will be coordinated by Mrs Antonella Bayuku Konteh. The hospital Bambino Gesu will carry out the surgery.

The Sick Pikin Project Team is left without words, is completely speechless in its excitement and gratitude to all for the various support, but especially more so for the relentless inputs greatly offered by Minister Bayuku Konteh and his family, immense thanks also go to Africa Mica Association in Tuscany, as well as to Brussels Airlines Staff and Managenent and Mr Thomas Sengeh of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thanks to all our volunteers for the tireless efforts in articulating our Project to our compatriots and for tirelessly getting involved in our Fund Raising Projects.

The reward of work is more work.

Let us continue on our journey to help as many sick children in Sierra Leone to have a better quality of life and a better future.

The entire team wishes Abubakarr and his mum safe travels and a successful sugery.

Ishmeal Alfred Charles

Programs Manager Programs Manager HealeyIRF

Lead Campaigner for Sick Pikin Project.



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